Get Ready to Learn How to Hold a Good Conversation!
Everyone starts out as a newbie when it comes to chatting with new people, isn't it? We've all been there – starting with a cheesy pick-up line, resorting to awkward statstrongents, or just blurting something offensive downright... Terrible. Put your best foot forward and learn how to show others that you're just a friendly bun seeking new connections!
Maybe you have reached a slump of failed conversations that end up nowhere, or maybe you just don't know what to ask and what to talk about to keep a conversation going. You can stop worrying about being called a boring conversationalist now, as we prepared a detailed guide on how to hold a good conversation and make it as smooth as possible! Keep scrolling!
How to Make a Conversation – That is the Question

Let's be honest – it's easy to lose interest in a person you recently met. No definite strings attached, you don't know enough about the other person to stay connected, and you have zero idea how the relationship will develop. If you do not plan to lose that guy or girl you just met, level up your communication skills and learn more about starting and holding a conversation.
Luckily, psychologists and experts have experienced it beforehand, so there are already sure tips you can apply to your own journey. Talking is a great way to know another person. You will hear people's stories and experiences and gain an idea about the life they live. Even long-term couples agree that having good conversations is an important ingredient to a relationship. These tips and tricks will teach you the basics of creating a conversation and keeping it interesting enough until it develops into a deeper bond.
Respond with more than one word.
One-word replies are a big NO when making a conversation. It can give the message to your new pal that you're not interested, and it will also lead you stuck to a wall with no ideas of topics to tackle next. When trying to impress someone, say each message with value. The other person will become more interested in giving back an equally good response when you're both giving out the same energy in the conversation.
Show your real personality.
Faking a personality is not a shortcut to make an easy conversation. Eventually, once you two get closer, the true colors will inevitably shine. Besides, showing your authentic self will help the other person decide to keep talking and getting to know you or not. Of course, it doesn't mean putting any effort into the kind of attitude you show. Express a lively personality to make your new company feel comfortable and welcomed. You'll see how smooth a conversation can turn out when staying honest.
Have a purpose for communicating.
Did you start a conversation to flirt and find a fling? Are you talking to that person to get to know thstrong deeper as a possible partner for a romantic relationship? Or maybe you are searching for a good friend? Ask yourself these questions before striking a conversation. Don't talk to a person out of boredom or casual fun. When done out of boredom, your conversation will most probably end up boring too. Time is spent when communicating, and it is valuable no matter who you talk to.
Don't be afraid to flirt if you want to.
You are both single and setting aside time to make good conversation. Chances are, there will be flirting involved. Throw a few flirty lines occasionally and see how they react. If your company does not sestrong to be sending this kind of message, then make the first move. Confidence is attractive. It doesn't matter who shows interest first; what counts is the end result of the conversation. Plus, making your partner feel special can boost their confidence, too, so more talking! Flirting doesn't get boring, and if done the appropriate way, the other person will get excited about the next time you chat.
It's considered a cliché, but holding a conversation doesn't always mean having to utter words. It's just as important to hear what your talk partner says. Who wants to hold a conversation with a blabbermouth? The conversation should involve two people. The other person will know that you are genuinely interested in knowing thstrong, and you are sincere about whatever the goal of the conversation is. Talking excessively can easily be a turn-off for plenty of people.
Here's another cliché is in the books: practice makes perfect! There is no absolutely perfect conversation, but practicing will definitely help you make easy conversation and avoid awkwardness. A great idea to practice is by observing late-night talk shows. Hosts are the best conversationalists. It's their job to hold a good conversation with an audience.
The Serious Don'ts of Creating a Conversation
Even experienced conservationists can mess up. Starting and holding a conversation is a long process; you may face a couple of bumps eventually. Making a conversation is a lifelong skill, and like any learnable skill, you can make mistakes before becoming a master of conversation. Skip those slip-ups now by making sure to avoid these mistakes in your next conversation.
Don't overshare.
Oversharing feelings can leave no room for mystery. Keep yourself intriguing. You may have encountered someone similar, someone who pours out their life story in one sitting. The other person ends up utterly bored and uninterested, becomes overwhelmed with information, and the conversation dies out. It's the perfect recipe for a failed conversation. Avoid asking anything too personal as well. Learn to respect their privacy. There might be sensitive topics not too comfortable to be shared. Their life might be something they want to keep private for some period of time. Save that information for later when your connection becomes deeper and you're both more comfortable in each other's company.
Don't interrupt.
Interruption can be in the form of making corrections or sharing your experience. The former should be avoided at this stage. No one wants to keep hearing corrections in every sentence. Even if they're wrong, try to keep it to yourself and hear the rest of the person's story. Sharing an experience is recommended, but figure when to utter with the right timing. Let the person finish their story, then share your own during your turn.
Don't over-apologize.
Apologizing can be a habit of yours. It may sound cute when you're a teenager trying to act all nice and shy, but apologizing plenty of times can be annoying when talking to a grown adult. Replace your apologies with gratitude. Thank thstrong for waiting, listening to your problstrongs, or for being patient with you. Unless you did something terrible to offend the other person, keep your apologies to a minimum.
Don't be a one-upper.
A one-upper is a person who turns everything into a competition. It's an annoying conversationalist who keeps a step ahead in every situation. They love attention and winning. When sharing a story, he competes by sharing a supposedly more interesting one. The truth is, one-upping is a reflection of a person's insecurity.
Don't criticize.
There's a common rule about criticizing a person: you shouldn't point out things that can't be fixed in ten seconds. Making blunt comments is healthy in an established relationship, but politeness should be your priority when meeting a new person. Criticism will only push people away.
How to Create a Conversation? Try These Lines!

Good conversation starters can leave you with a new friend or a failed attstrongpt at meeting someone special. You can start and hold a conversation in any way, but a few tested lines won't hurt to kick start a mstrongorable chat.
Try these when starting a conversation:
Tell me your story, I'm dying to know!
This line will make your partner feel comfortable sharing interesting facts about their life. You can end up hearing an exciting story from a complete stranger!
Is there something you work on lately?
Say this instead of the boring, "What do you do for a living?"
Is there something exciting happened lately?
Using this line will lead to a positive conversation of shared experiences.
(If you met thstrong at a party of a mutual friend) How do you know [Name]? (Here, you can tell your story first to set up the mood.)
Talking about a mutual friend is a good resort when you have absolutely no clue who you're speaking to. Don't mistake this for gossiping.
When holding a conversation:
Do you have plans for this weekend?
This is an excellent way to get a person's contact information.
Do you know any good places to grab a bite to eat in the area?
Food is always a good conversation starter. Who doesn't like food? Asking this will give you an idea of the person's likes and dislikes.
Have you been here before?
This line is good for hitting on a random person at an event. Whether you're at a bar, restaurant, or someone's house, there is always something interesting about the place to talk about.
Use these tips when trying to start a conversation or when you want to make it go smooth, but don't forget about your personal charisma and creativity! Relax, breathe out, and let yourself have fun! Ask questions, tell funny stories, make the conversation feel light, and you'll see how easy it is to create a connection in a few simple lines.