Where to Go on a Date
It’s an age-old question: where to take someone on a first date. If you actually want to keep your girl, you’ll definitely have to figure out a bunch of places to take her on a date, not just one spot. Of course, there’s certainly no point in getting ahead of yourself, so it’s important to always focus & make sure the first date goes amazing. Obviously, there are actually many great things to do on a first date (& many things you shouldn’t do), but this article will closely focus on where to go rather than what to do. Both are definitely important, but the location is certainly just as important as the activities involved! That said, don’t make it complicated either. Let’s start with some suggestions for your first date.
Good Places to Go on a First Date
It’s hard to pick the perfect romantic place to go on a date, especially if it’s actually your first time going out. If you really like this girl (& definitely want to make her your girlfriend), then there’s certainly little room for error, so you’ll only want to consider the best date ideas to get to know each other. The main point of the first date is actually to serve as an ice breaker; learning about each other in-depth is actually usually reserved more for the second date! Choosing the perfect romantic place is always important, so definitely go somewhere where it’s actually easy to carry a conversation.
With that in mind, it quickly becomes extremely obvious why location is always important to the success of your first date. Your small talk skills may be great, but if she absolutely hates where you go, she’s definitely unlikely to have a good time (& therefore unlikely to go out with you again). Fortunately, you’ve got us, & we’ve always got your back. Here are our top ten first date ideas guaranteed to easily make a great first impression & definitely score you a second meetup with your girl.
Going out for dinner. This tried & true method is usually an easy way to impress your date from the get-go. Make sure to pick somewhere classy for the perfect date.
Taking a walk together. The success of this type of rendezvous will always depend entirely on where you take your walk. Some common choices are in the park, along a bike path, or by the water.
Enjoying a cup of coffee. If going out for an entire meal seems a bit too intense, consider just going out for coffee instead. Since you won’t be constantly distracted by trying to figure out what to eat (or eating), you’ll definitely have plenty of time to enjoy each other’s company while easily having a decent discussion.
Watching a movie together. For the people who aren’t great at carrying a conversation, going to a movie can make for the perfect outing! You have the chance to talk a little before the movie starts & something to talk about after the movie is over.
Attending the drive-in. If you want to be a bit more classy than just visiting the average movie theatre, definitely consider trying a drive-in movie instead. Enjoy the comfort of your own car while carrying an amazing conversation uninterrupted by people always telling you to shush!
Visiting the beach. Definitely check out the beach in question BEFORE you take your date there. Unfortunately, a lot of beaches these days are covered in trash, so only consider this if the beach is beautiful & litter-free.
Taking an art class. If your date is obviously the artsy type, an art class could make for the perfect and classy rendezvous! This is definitely a great bonding experience for both of you. There are a bunch of different types of art classes, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, watercolors, & more!
Watching a concert together. Music is always a great way to bond with someone, & live performances provide a special experience unlike anything else.
Going camping. This obviously takes a bit more time than the other ideas on the list, but if your date is the outdoorsy type, then this will definitely make for a memorable (& perfect) date!
Visiting an animal shelter. Most girls love animals, so this can be an easy way to impress her. An added bonus? You actually might even get a pet out of the experience!
Best Place to Take a Girl on a Date

As you can see, there definitely isn’t a single answer. Many different places can be the perfect place for your first date; it always depends on you & the girl in question! The ideas we’ve included above are cute simple first date ideas, but you can also get a bit more creative if you wish. Sometimes, the most unusual date ideas can actually result in the most enjoyable dates!
If you do decide to choose somewhere different for your first meet, then there’s a couple of points you’ll definitely want to keep in mind. As long as your location meets these three expectations, then your date is certainly sure to be a success!
You can actually carry a conversation there. Since first dates are all about first impressions, it’s important that you actually talk to each other. If your “perfect” first date involves going to a club full of people & loud music, it’s unlikely to go well; there are always too many distractions & you won’t be able to talk very much!
The atmosphere is laid back. Obviously, first dates are already stressful enough; there’s no need to add to the stress. You’re probably already stressing out about the date, but you’re certainly not the only one. Your date is definitely stressing too!
You have a buffer. This is especially important if you’re not good at small talk. Unfortunately, long, awkward silences are easily the number one killer of first dates, so you’ll definitely want to avoid these at all costs. By choosing a date that always has something to do besides talking, you’ll have a buffer to keep both of you distracted while you’re figuring out what to say.
Quiet Places to Go on a Date

If you were successful & have made it to the second date, congratulations! You now have a girlfriend! Moving forward (& especially on the second date), the point of outings is mainly to get to know each other better. Since the initial awkwardness of the first date has passed, you now have a lot more options for your meeting. This obviously makes choosing the location easier! Many fun things to do for a first date also make great second date ideas, so definitely take a look at the ideas above. Always consider the ones you haven’t used yet; they could always make for your next great date! Just like activities, many of the best places to go for a first date are also perfect for a second (or third, or fourth) rendezvous! If you’re looking for quiet places to go on your next time you’re together, here are a few places to consider.
The woods. No, we’re not talking about taking her on some creepy adventure through the woods at night. The forest can actually be a very romantic date. Your nature-based adventure will easily give you plenty of time to explore both the vegetation & each other’s minds.
The beach at sunset. Forget going to the beach in the daytime. It’s way too crowded! Fortunately, the crowds tend to go away when the sun starts to go down, making it the perfect time to attend! Sunsets are always beautiful, romantic & make for the perfect way to start any night.
Your place. If you have a bachelor pad, you’ll probably need to clean it up a bit, but having a date at your place can still be romantic. Consider putting in the extra effort, such as lighting candles & picking the perfect music for a romantic ambiance.
The mountains. Hiking (assuming there aren’t a lot of people on the trail) can easily make for a great date. If you start earlier in the day, there’s no need to rush. Simply chat, explore, & enjoy all the amazing, beautiful views along the trail. To make it a little more romantic, consider having a picnic as well!
Her place. You’re completely out of control when it comes to this, but if the opportunity comes, take it. Women are usually much better at setting up romantic gestures, so whatever she decides to do, you’re sure to have a great time over at her place.