How to Talk to a Girl over Text
Before you date a girl, you need to talk to her. Most people these days only contribute to conversation while they are chatting with someone via text. That method is fast, easy, and convenient, but it also requires a bit of finesse from the man. Fortunately, a little education on the matter goes a long way, and this guide will demonstrate what to know.
Every guy needs to know how to impress a girl by texting. It’s a basic skill that most tech-savvy people develop in their teens. Divided into two large sections, the basic skills of chatting with a girl using a messenger app include having appropriate topics to speak about and knowing the best practices for communicating.
Examining both topics individually reveals to intricacies of the message interactions. Although some of the advice may seem like common sense, the reality is that more people need intimate knowledge concerning the situation.
Topics to Text a Girl

The stuff to talk about with your girlfriend while texting might seem rather simple, but in the early phase of a relationship, you can undermine your attempts by talking about the wrong things. Just like you can make someone lose interest in you by texting “Hi” or “Sup,” the wrong topics will send a potential date running in the opposite direction.
We will develop your skills for choosing good topics by revealing the most effective ones in the romantic framework. Talk about these things, and your partner will enjoy spending time messaging you on her phone, and you can deepen your understanding of one another.
Topics of Interest
Remember a few golden rules in terms of maintaining somebody’s attention while messaging. First, people enjoy telling others about themselves. Second, some things nobody wants to mention, let alone through SMS. That leads us to the third rule: people purposely avoid topics that are in messages because they can be saved and used against them. With those understandings, we developed a list of subjects to entice your date and keep her speaking to you.
1. All About Her
Spark your date’s interest by talking about her. Not only does she know the most about herself compared to anyone else in the world, but talking about her will show your interest. Ask questions about what she likes or doesn’t like. As long as you keep the topic focused on her, you cannot go wrong in this situation.
2. That Specific Day
Remember that people want to vent after work or school. Your date’s day may have been good or bad. You can be helpful by speaking to her about what occurred. Ask what happened today and what she expects from tomorrow. She’ll love that you took the time to ask about her life.
3. Goals
When you get to know someone a little better, you can ask things that are slightly more personal. If your girlfriend is at the gym and lifting weights, ask about what she hopes to do. Ask about work, family, and life goals and show an interest.
4. Passions
Everyone is passionate about something. Some people enjoy talking about politics, other people like volunteering to help others. Find your girl’s passions and see if you know anything about them to talk about together. If not, then ask her about her passions and see what you can learn from them.
5. Hobbies
Hobbies are enjoyable pastimes most people have. What are your girlfriend’s hobbies? Talk about that with her and see if it opens the conversation a little more. When she mentions that one of her hobbies is running, you could ask if she would mind if you came along. You might end up sparking a new hobby of your own.
6. Current Things Happening in Your Lives
Everyone’s lives are in flux. We gain and lose jobs. We think about changing careers or altering some facet of our lives. What is happening in your date’s life? Ask her about the current events and see what changes are happening to her!
Each of these subjects will keep your partner interested and invested in talking to you!
Subjects to Avoid
Remember, some subjects are off the table. While it should be obvious while these subjects should not be broached during texts, we can show you each specific reason.
1. Anything Inappropriate
Do not start an SMS with anything that you should be saying in person, especially if it’s something that is said in the bedroom. It’s intrusive, there’s no way to ask for permission ahead of time, and people do not like the potential for their personal chats to be saved in message form.
2. Your Relationship Directly
If you’re going to talk about the nature of your relationship, then you should be face-to-face if possible. This subject can lead to arguments, and you need to avoid them.
3. Denigrating Other People
Don’t waste time texting your lovely girlfriend about other people, especially if you’re badmouthing them. That does not create a pleasant atmosphere in which to communicate.
4. Questions That Are Too Personal
Remember that some subjects are simply too personal to be said in texts. Again, nobody wants something they tell you in confidence being read by someone else. If you must talk about private things, then call the girl or wait until you see one another.
Avoid these topics, and you’ll be better off for it!
Best Way to Talk to a Girl over Text

Just as you must know the topics to speak about and avoid with your girlfriend online, you should also be aware of the way to talk via SMS. We will teach you to sweet talk a girl. Do not tell a girl what she wants to hear. Be truthful, invested, and honest to obtain the best results. You will have the chance to use this information to keep girls interested in you and coming back to hear your sweet words. We’ll also help you avoid common missteps while texting, too.
How to Keep Her Interested
Be Positive
If you are in a good mood, she will be more willing to chat with you. Nobody wants to speak with a negative-minded person. You may act happier than you feel via SMS to keep your girl happy.
Flirt a Little
When you are messaging a girlfriend, don’t forget to flirt a little. Remember to keep it PG-13.
Don’t Over-Text
Guys tend to fall into a major over-texting trap when someone doesn’t respond right away. They feel as though they’re being ignored, and that can blow up in your face. Remember to give her time to message you back. People have busy lives, after all!
Come Up with Plans
Develop ways to spend time with each other. You can have all sorts of fun planned out!
Ask Unique Questions About Them
Maintaining interest is often a matter of keeping her talking about the topics she likes the most. Ask her more questions about herself to learn more and show your interest.
What You Must Avoid
Don’t Pressure Her on a Topic
You might stumble upon a topic that your partner doesn’t like, and you need to avoid it. Whether it’s gossip about them or dredging up a fight that you had, when she says no to a subject, leave it alone.
Do Not Have an Argument over Text
Test messages are easy to misconstrue because they lack the nuance of speaking. You can’t tell if someone is being sarcastic in a text. That is why you need to hold off on arguments because they could be saying something one way, and you might interpret it completely wrong.
Do Not Leave Messages Waiting a Long Time
After you receive a message from your romantic partner, it’s only polite to respond in a short amount of time. Although some people do not want to seem too desperate about texting their date, it is only polite to let them know that you have received the message and are formulating a response. Imagine the butterflies you get while waiting for a return message. Why would you make your girlfriend wait?
The goal of these topics is to keep the conversation flowing. Seek opportunities to insert your own experience and outlooks into the chat, especially if she considers your response. Remember to stay away from topics that could lead to negative outcomes, though. Other than that, you should now know to host great text chats between you and your lovely girlfriend.
Ensure your girlfriend is willing to use texting for private conversations. Some individuals prefer speaking to texting for security purposes. Always seek to maintain the privacy or risk losing your girlfriend’s trust. Never take screenshots of conversations and refrain from showing private texts to friends or their girl’s loved ones.