Ready to Start Dating Iran Locals?
So you’re a foreign woman, and you want to start dating Persian men. We don’t blame you! Iran is home to some of the most hot-blooded and passionate men around. We totally understand why you’re crushing on them so much.
But while attraction usually starts as a physical thing, you’ll want to know how to approach somebody on a personal level as well. After all, this is how you build a real connection and ensure sparks definitely fly.
Good thing for you, we’ve got you covered! We understand Iranian men can be complex individuals, and you’re itching to know more about them. That is why we have spent some time cultivating this helpful advice article to cover all their dating customs and the pros and cons about pursuing a potential relationship.
Keep scrolling if you would like to know more!
Dating Customs in Iran: 15 Perks of Dating Persian Guys
When it comes to Iranian men, there a certain things you should know before asking them out. We’ve broken down the 15 most important perks about dating a Persian man.
Be sure to check them out below!
Persian Men Love to Shower Women with Expensive Jewellery

It’s no secret that Persian guys will go to great lengths to spoil their partner. A popular gift of choice in this area of the world has always been jewelry. If you manage to bag a rich Iranian guy, you should be prepared to be literally showered in gold.
Of course, this does not sound like a bad thing – it’s not materialistic to enjoy receiving gifts from your partner. Gift-giving is a loving way in which this Persian gentleman proves his adoration.
Dating a Persian Guy Means Being Treated like a Princess

Some women prefer to be treated like a queen, but you’re just splitting hairs. Either way, you’re going to be treated like royalty by a man who worships the ground you walk upon.
Don’t be one of those women who shy away from being called a princess. Sometimes it feels amazing to be absolutely pampered by an adoring, beautiful man. Take the time to enjoy the sensation and accept the attention – it is most certainly offered willingly.
A Persian Man Will Stand Up for You No Matter What
In Iran, family is everything. A man is seen as the provider of his household and, therefore, the protector of his partner and children. When you date a Persian man, he will not be afraid to stand up for you and defend your honor.
This may lead to some unsavory situations, but you should be proud to have a man who will defend you no matter what – this is something which been built into Persian society for generations.
Persian Men ALWAYS Dress to Impress
If there’s one thing Persian men do a lot better than most, it is buying clothes. It could be social conditioning or just an innate knowledge about what looks great, but Iranian guys always seem to look fly as hell.
You don’t want to go out with a guy who looks a total mess every time he leaves the house, do you? When dating a Persian gent, you’ll never have to worry about that issue - and they usually have some awesome fashion advice for you as well.
Iranian Guys Have Just as Great a Taste in Cars
Again, it’s not materialistic to like the finer things that come with a handsome Iranian boyfriend, such as a ridiculously cool car. You won’t find many Persian men driving around in an old banger. They like to spend their money on nice commodities, and you can bet a top-of-the-range car is always at the top of the list.
The thought of cruising around in a convertible with a handsome Persian guy is really making us consider our poor life choices right now…
Persian Gents Will Always Pay for You
When dating a Persian guy, you’ll have to be prepared for him to pay for absolutely everything. Whether it is cinema tickets or a dinner date, he will always pay the bill. This is a seen as a sign of respect for his partner and his duty as her man. Some modern women may not feel comfortable with this sort of arrangement, but if it works for you, you’ll never want for anything.
In fact, you can probably throw away your credit card once things get serious!
Persian Men Love to Party
It has to be said, Iranian’s certainly know how to throw one hell of a party. There’s always an amazing spread of food, from fruits and cheese to rice and breads. If you’ve ever been to a Persian get-together, you’ll know exactly what we mean. You don’t forget that sort of celebration in a hurry. And if you are yet to experience one, you’re in for a treat!
Speaking of parties….
Iranian Guys Certainly Know How to Bust a Move
It’s safe to assume that any culture which throws so much effort into their parties probably knows their way around the dancefloor. If you’re considering dating Persian men, you’ll have to prepare for some seriously impressive shapes – maybe even learn some for yourself as well.
Persian music may take a little getting used to, but it’s perfect for all that jubilant dancing and serves as a refreshing juxtaposition to the Western pop charts.
Persian Men Are Very Family-Oriented
Persian culture is built around two very important things: faith and family. If you want to date a Persian man, you should expect to get to know his relatives very quickly. Bear in mind; there will be a lot of extended family members! Iranians are usually close to their cousins, aunties, nephews, etc. This makes those get-togethers all the more special.
If you value family as much as this culture, you’ll feel right at home straight away.
You Have to Get On with His Mother
As we have said, Persian families are incredibly close. However, the strongest bond is between a mother and her son. If you want to stand any chance of dating a Persian man, you need to make sure you start off on the right foot with his mother – easier said than done if she’s as protective as most other Iranian matriarchs.
Persian Families Are Serious About Hospitality
Whenever you are a guest of a Persian family, they will treat you with utmost compassion and ensure all your needs are met. You’ve never experienced hospitality until you’ve experienced Iranian hospitality, that’s for sure!
Few cultures know how to look after their guests quite as well as the Persians. If you find yourself meeting your boyfriend’s family for the first time, be prepared to be treated like an esteemed visitor.
Persian Men Know Their Way around a Kebab
We’ve already touched on Persian food at those legendary parties, but wait until you get your Iranian boyfriend cooking for you. Expect authentic-style kebabs and plenty of other traditional foods. You may have to acclimatize to the flavors at first, but once you develop the taste for it, you’ll struggle going back to any other type of food!
Pro tip: learn to cook these dishes as well; you’ll literally have your man eating out the palm of your hand.
Persian Men Are Serious About Their Faith
Most men in Iran follow the Islamic faith. If you are Muslim yourself, this is nothing to worry about – but if you follow another faith or you are an atheist, it is certainly something to consider. It is not illegal for a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman, but it is still seen as problematic by many. If your relationship goes beyond dating, you may have to decide whether or not to convert.
Iranian Men Can Be Possessive
Persian men, like many other guys across the world, can come over as possessive if you don’t know them well enough. They may like to keep you close by or ask where you are going. This is not because they are distrustful – they simply want to look after you. It’s a sign that they care about your well-being and should be seen as a form of flattery… as long as they respect your personal space.
Persian Men Have a Real Soft Spot for… Tea
This may or may not be a deal-breaker depending on your opinion of the popular hot drink, but tea is a big thing in Iran, and you’ll have to learn to love it if you’re going to get on a Persian man’s good side.
Who doesn’t love tea, though – it’s delicious!
Have we convinced you to swap Western guys for Persian cuties yet? These are just a few of the reasons you should seriously consider giving them a chance in your dating life!