Romantic love messages to send to someone special
Are you looking for a cute love SMS to brighten up somebody’s life? It can sometimes be difficult to find romantic words for a lover. If this is somebody you are in the early stages of getting to know better - perhaps a contact from the dating site - you will need to take great care prior when composing your correspondence. A good piece of advice is not to overthink sending beautiful love messages. They will create far more of an impression of they appear to have been composed from the heart rather than the head.
- It would be worthwhile taking some time before you actually compose your text and press the ‘send’ button. You can spend time doing background research so that you can uncover some love quotes for text messages. Simply pop that phrase into your search bar and you will be amazed at the response you receive, with many outlets offering you perfect romantic texts to send your boyfriend
- Don’t simply copy/paste these and place them into your own email or WhatsApp message. A far better way of composing a romantic text for your boyfriend would be to take the salient points, and then give them a personal spin. It is always worthwhile injecting your messages with your favorite pet name for your loved one. That way it will come across as something unique you have written for them. No matter where they happen to be when they receive this communication, it will have the effect of putting a smile on their face and making him excited to see you again.
- It is important that you try and get as much meaning as possible into a relatively short space. There might be the temptation to wax lyrical once you get into the swing of sending romantic texts, but brevity is the key. Perhaps your boyfriend is in the situation where he doesn’t have the time to pore over a lengthy piece of correspondence and would just like to get to the gist of the message you are imparting.
- This is why the opening paragraph of whatever you send can be so important. In exactly the same way that news headlines are deliberately put together to draw readers in to find out more information, treat your text to your boyfriend similarly. Your opening lines should immediately hook his attention.
Finding the best romantic words is easy once you know how

It is possible to compose a romantic ‘I love you’ note, even if you don’t regard yourself as being the most potent of wordsmiths. Again, there is so much background information at your disposal, whether you choose to look up dating blogs, visit chat rooms, or search the Internet using the heading ‘I love you messages.’
- Soon you will be able to develop a shortlist of long sweet text messages that are ready to send when the mood is right. You could always keep a notebook handy, and whenever love making messages come to mind, simply jot these done. Because it can sometimes be difficult to create spontaneous communications containing beautiful words of love, you should look up on this as an ongoing project. That way you will always have a ready arsenal of loving, caring and romantic words to call upon which you can then put into your texts.
- ‘I love you so much’ messages might seem very straightforward, but there are many ways of getting this important sentimental across. You can choose to keep things straightforward, introducing a few words of text, then padding the detail with emojis you have downloaded from an appropriate source. Sometimes a picture can say so much, and if you can tie this in with particular cuddly nicknames you have for each other, then this can become a fabulous shortcut for romance. You can create images that are so potent in revealing the strength of feelings you have for each other.
- If you happen to know your boyfriend is going to have some time at his disposal, perhaps commuting some distance for work or college reasons, then you can put some time and effort into creating caring and romantic message that will meet you lot to him. It might be best to send these as an email rather than a simple text, treating the sentiment with the attention it deserves. Wherever he happens to be, perhaps just gawking out the window during a seemingly interminable train journey, hearing the ping of an incoming mail from yourself, seeing your name, and anticipating reading your lovely message will be the perfect antidote to a boring journey, instantly putting him in a romantic frame of mind. If he has any wits about him, he will put a lot of attention into providing a reciprocal message immediately.
Your first love messages for her will pave the way to success

Poems are always a tremendous way of conveying a message to sweet talk romantic love. Whether you choose to draft a few lines to drop into a romantic SMS for him, or you can think of romantic text ideas to add to a longer piece of correspondence, your inspirational love messages are guaranteed to put a smile on his face.
Think of some fantastic examples for romantic love text messages:
- ‘I love you more than I can say … but I thought I say so anyway!’
- ‘I don’t have much time to compose this message so I’ll keep it brief. I love you to the Nth degree.’
- ‘Next time we are together, let’s make up for lost time. By getting lost in each other’s arms.’
- ‘Each time we are apart I miss you more, but these feelings are so strong it is sometimes worth being apart just to make the heart grow fonder.’
Inject your romantic ‘I love you’ messages with humor. ‘Let’s pretend our love is like water, and avoid puddles. Next time we are together it will be like plunging into the Pacific Ocean.’
- Don’t worry if you are relatively new to Internet dating, and unsure how you would react if a complete stranger was to begin flirting with you out of the blue. In most cases, it will become like second nature to compose messages to someone you have fallen for on one of these dating platforms.
- If you are having any trouble about finding the right words for a romantic text, all you have to do is call upon your girlfriends to provide you with inspiration and suggestions.
- Why not get together in a WhatsApp group and start swapping ideas? In no time at all, you will find you have accumulated a treasure trove of possible suggestions for your next romantic message for someone special. You can always save these messages for future use, as long as you remember to delete the ones you have used as you don’t want to repeat yourself.
Romantic words of love – these will enhance your feelings
When was the last time you wrote a truly romantic love message? If it was only the other day, then you are undoubtedly a hopeless romantic at heart, and dictating this form of correspondence will be effortless to you! But if you always take some time writing the best message for her, it would do no harm to get some help from someone more experienced.
Tap into your male friends network to see if anyone could provide you with the ideal solution to your temporary writer’s block. Everyone encounters creative lapses as some time, but the good news is that it is so easy to overcome these short-term glitches.
- Why don’t you spend some time listening to the lyrics of your favorite songs, picking out choice snippets you could use in your own messaging? Pop music has been providing a rich array of sentiments for decades, whether you go back to the days of The Beatles singing, “Come on and twist a little closer now/And let me know that you’re mine,” through to Bruno Mars with his 21st century take on the effect of being on the receiving end of Cupid’s arrows.
- There is a wealth of background information out there you could adopt. The most important thing is to remember to tailor anything that you borrowed from other sources, just to ensure you give it a personal touch.
- There would be no point in copying and pasting large segments of well-known pop songs, as the person at the receiving end might identify where you sourced your inspiration. This would be a bit of a passion killer! But there are simply so many love songs out there – literally millions - that provided you delve a little deeper than the obvious ones, you will soon come across fantastic suggestions to ‘borrow’ for your own romantic correspondence.
Tell your partner how much they mean to you, and if you can get this sentiment across in a few paragraphs of meaningful text, their heart will be yours forever. For people these days who are more inclined to come across prospective partners on dating sites, having the ability to fire off text messages is so important.
Unlike the traditional forms of dating in offline scenarios, where words often had to be deployed instantaneously, in the online environment you have so much opportunity to take a step back to ensure your message comes across as heartfelt and meaningful. If you can get this right, you will pave the way for a successful and long-term relationship if that’s your ultimate motivation for signing up to a dating site.
Find the best romantic words for him, and melt his heart
In conclusion, sweet dramatic messages can mean the world to someone, especially if they receive them when they are least expected. They might well expect to receive ‘loving you SMS romantic love letters’ at certain points in the year. Perhaps it’s the anniversary of your first meeting, your birthday, wedding anniversary, or Christmas or some other religious holiday. But the best messages of all are those that appear to be off-the-cuff, arriving when your loved one was least anticipating their receipt.
- Think of the effect of receiving such a message yourself. You could be sitting in a packed commuter train on the way home from the office, watching all the other dour faces staring out of the window, when your phone pings with a notification. When you click on this, imagine seeing a colorful set of emojis erupting with love hearts, as your significant other has decided to send you a romantic ‘I love you so much’ text.
- This will make your heart soar, brightening the remainder of your journey, quickening your pulse, and making you eager to be reunited with this person who is such an important part of your life.
- Even if you are relatively new to Internet dating and don’t regard yourself as being much of an expert when it comes to sharing your emotions, the more frequently you decide to send messages to your other half, the more readily the words will come. Regularly deciding to get in touch with your soulmate will give you the confidence to send meaningful communications at any time.
If you are a girl who is facing a mental block when it comes to writing a romantic text message for your boyfriend, all you have to do is tap into your girlfriend circle for advice. You are likely to find yourself inundated with suggestions. At this point you will have to assume of position of the editor of a romantic magazine, deciding which of the meaningful words or phrases to take on board, and those you can consign to the virtual equivalent of the waste bin!