100 Reasons I Love You: Tell Your Boyfriend You Adore Them
Love is a difficult thing to define. Loving somebody is a collection of memories and intangible feelings which make up a beautiful relationship. I felt compelled to write this list for my boyfriend just to express how much he means to me. What can I say? Love makes you do silly things sometimes. Sitting in front of the computer and coming up with this grand declaration of love seemed like a great way to spend my day.
If you want to swoon over our perfect relationship (or just throw up in your mouth), feel free to check out every single reason below. Maybe I’ll inspire you to do the same thing for your partner!
Cute Reasons Why I Love My Boyfriend

Silences are comfortable, but I could also talk to you all day.
We can spend hours talking rubbish, but it still time well spent.
You smell great – even when you haven’t had a shower.
You possess the most beautiful smile, which always lights up the room.
You’re amazing in the bedroom – I have never felt a connection like this in the sheets.
You are attentive and make sure my needs are always met.
You are generous with your time.
You are kind to everybody. You never make anybody feel beneath you.
You make me feel good about my flaws and boost my self-esteem on a regular basis.
You give me proper gut laughs and make me giggle every day.
There is no place I would rather be than by your side.
I feel those pesky butterflies every time I see you.
I love when I can hear you sing in the shower, despite not being able to hold a tune.
You are always happy to cook my favorite breakfast, even when you are late for work.
You never give me a reason to feel bad about myself.
You never think I’m crazy… even when I’m compelled to write a 100 reasons why I love you list.
I genuinely feel addicted to you, though our bond still feels healthy.
You have always been incredibly important to me, even from the moment I met you.
You always have amazing hair, even when you first wake up in the morning.
I find myself thinking about you a lot if I am on my own. Those thoughts make me smile every time.
Doing nice things for you never seems like a sacrifice.
You always seem grateful to have me in your life.
In turn, I am incredibly grateful to share my life with you.
When you are happy, I am overjoyed.
Our relationship is like being at home, a home I never want to leave.
I love the person I am becoming by your side.
When I’m with you, I want to make you proud and be my best self.
From the moment we met, we felt like family. That has never changed for a moment.
You never give me a reason to doubt or mistrust you.
I simply could not stop myself from falling in love with you.
I am certain we will overcome any difficulties we face.
When I think about my future, I cannot help but see you in it.
I always very lucky to be by your side.
Whenever I experience something nice, I always want you there to experience it with me.
Nobody has ever cherished me quite like you do on a daily basis.
I never want to stop making love to you. It always feels close and intimate.
I trust you with every fiber of my being. You never give a reason to feel like you will leave.
I enjoy treating you to things, both big and small.
You never try to mansplain. You treat me with intellectual respect.
You are the boyfriend I always dreamed of finding but never thought I would.
You have so much compassion for everyone you come across.
You are brave and ever afraid to stand up for your beliefs.
You have a beautiful way of looking at the world.
You never sink to other people’s levels.
You make my heart grow with every passing day.
You fit in with family even more than I do. Okay, maybe not quite as much!
Your personality radiates from inside you.
I can’t listen to romantic songs without thinking of you.
You are the most amazing man I have ever had the fortune to meet.
You love me on my bad days just as much as you do on my good days.
You ease all my insecurities.
Your weird matches my weird perfectly.
You are the only person who truly understands the real me.
I never feel alone anymore.
I love how you openly express your feelings so easily.
I love how sensitive you are – you are not afraid to cry at chick flicks.
You are empathetic and can see the world from another person’s viewpoint.
You let me warm my cold hands on you when we’re cuddled up in bed.
You are always considerate of my feelings and my wishes.
You will always offer your help and never ask for anything in return.
We are always on the same wavelength.
We practically finish each other’s sentences all the time
You let me express my negative emotions without making me feel guilty for them.
You genuinely listen to my opinions and the things I have to say.
I never feel undervalued in our relationship.
You are my reason for getting up in the morning.
You inspire me to work hard and provide for us.
You do not mind losing to me in competitions.
When we have a difference of opinion, you express it in a respectful way.
You are completely honest and speak your mind with me.
You go out of your way to do nice things for me.
I love our conversations about art and culture.
You always have interesting and informed viewpoints on most matters.
You say yes to spontaneous adventures and last-minute trips.
You never act like other people’s terrible boyfriends, and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.
You are never afraid to be yourself in any situation
You are my main source of comfort. I’m never truly at peace unless I’m with you.
I always sleep better when I’m cuddled next you in bed.
I can always tell what you are thinking. Sometimes you don’t even need to say a word.
I love your terrible jokes and how you laugh at them even when I don’t find them funny.
You have the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen.
Sometimes you feel like my reason for living.
You are completely and utterly one of a kind.
I have never felt this way about another person before.
You are my happy place.
If I could choose to live in one moment in time, it would be this one.
I always feel like I could never be close enough to you. Sometimes I just crawl inside your heart and live there.
I feel like our hearts are two opposite magnets attracted to one another.
You give me a reason to believe our relationship with last forever.
I never believed in soulmates until I met you.
If I believed in reincarnation, I know we would be together in the next life.
I can always see you are so proud to be my boyfriend.
I also feel incredibly proud to be your girlfriend.
You managed to restore my faith in humanity.
I love how you express yourself in everything you do.
I love the art that you create.
You are never afraid to talk about the future.
You are so selfless and put others before yourself time and time again.
I love you because you are the most perfect man in existence.
Inspired to Write a “Reasons Why I Love You Girlfriend” List?

I’m not going to lie; I secretly wrote this article, hoping my boyfriend would reciprocate with a similar gesture. Guys, I’m not telling you what to do, but you will earn major boyfriend points if you take the time to write a list of everything you love about your girlfriend. Take note: that is how you make us swoon!
Thanks for reading!